I really enjoyed working with Alina Potthoff. She's a teenager from the nearby town of Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock. At the age of 8 Alina started to play the piano. I can confirm that she has become an excellent piano player. She started singing when she turned 13. Now she performs live at parties and festivals. In 2012 she participated in the "Sing A Song" vocal contest hosted by Radio Hochstift in Paderborn. Alina was one of the final 6 contestants. I saw Alina perform live at a local festival and she was awesome. Afterwards I asked her if she might be interested in working with me. Her very first non-cover song is "A Part Of You Remains". She says it was a very cool experience to sing and virtually shape a song nobody else has sang before. As you can see here many songs have followed since then.
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